Training and Mentoring

In this section, you can find information about training events,  courses and other mentoring opportunities for OTs, Education Staff, Local Authority Staff, Legal Firms and other professionals we deliver on a regular basis and other events that are due to run in the future. You can also request specific bespoke training sessions for your to suit your needs.

We also offer professional supervision and mentoring services for professionals working with children and young people with special needs and disabilities in the Education Law field.

Here are some of the topics we frequently train people on:

Best Practice in Occupational Therapy for Children and Young People: innovative models of practice

Medico-legal assessments and SEN Tribunals

Handwriting without Tears: practical principles and groups

Sensory Smart Classrooms and Functional Approaches to address the needs of students with Sensory Processing Differences

Sensory Processing workshops for parents

Alert programme for Self-Regulation / Attention

Digital Assistive Technology in the classroom: practical skills and latest knowledge of equipment, software and apps.

Coaching concepts for OTs

Condition-specific training – Autism, DCD/ Dyspraxia, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, etc.

Adaptive equipment for the classroom/home

Seating, Positioning and addressing postural needs

Moving and Handling concepts and best practice

Early Interventions for young children with special needs

Practical skills to develop Self-care and Independence

SEN Tribunals Study Day at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists May 2018